Blog Articles

Knowledge Bomb: Are Revolvers Still Relevant?
Let’s talk about wheel guns. Do they still have relevance in self-defense, or are they antiquated pieces of technology that would be better served in a museum?Well, what is a revolver? A revolver i...
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WARRRIOR WEDNESDAY: Léo Major the One-Man Army
You ever noticed how in most first person shooter games the character you play is a larger than life badass who single handedly saves the day with maybe just a bit of help from some NPCs? You ever ...
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KNOWLEDGE BOMB: What Are Squib Loads?
We received this photo from one of our team members who was at a training event a couple weeks ago .What do you think happened here?I'll cut to the chase; it was a squib.A Squib, also known as a Sq...
Read moreKnowledge Bomb: Why have a Weapon Mounted Light?
Hey guys, let’s talk weapon lights. In the context of modern firearms, many modern designs either have dedicated attachment points to mount a light, or have accessories capable of mounting said lig...
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I think I’m not out of line in saying that surviving a stint in a Nazi concentration camp in WWII or holding a position against North Koreans single-handedly for 24 hours or surviving in Communist ...
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Warrior Wednesday: Paul Emil Von Lettow-Vorbeck "The Lion Of Africa"
I’m gonna educate all you dudes about Imperial Germany’s undefeated battlefield Commander of the East African Campaign. A Warrior-General who was routinely outnumbered by British, Portuguese, and B...
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Warrior Wednesday: Attack of the Dead Men
During the Great War there is an often forgotten story of an impenetrable defense on the Eastern Front. A stalwart defense that turned into a counter-attack. A counter-attack that would go down in ...
Read moreWarrior Wednesday: The Indomitable Lawman Bass Reeves
Imagine you’re a horse thief or a cattle rustler, you had just shot and killed two men in your escape and you’ve been on the run for months. You hide out in the vast and dangerous wilderness that i...
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Your Friendly Neighborhood Rooftop Korean Gear Review: Wilder Tactical
Hey everyone, so this is my first gear review for The Musa Store, and I’m excited to share my experience and opinion on the Minimalist Belt Pad/Inner Belt combo from Wilder Tactical (will also be o...
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